COVID-19 Update!
Reopening Timeline (Updated 05/23/2020)
May 24, 2020
Workers Meeting (New Teen / Children's Ministries) - Following the morning service
May 31, 2020
Sunday Evening Services Resume
Sunday School Teachers Meeting - Following the Evening Service
June 4, 2020
Thursday Evening Services Resume
June 7, 2020
Sunday School Resumes
July 5, 2020
Bus Ministry Resumes
New Heights Baptist Church Guidelines
Services will resume on Sunday morning May 10 at 11am with the following social distancing guidelines.
**No nurseries or Junior Church will be available at this time.**
1. We encourage our most at risk members and anyone not yet comfortable with being out in a public setting to continue to watch the services on Facebook or our YouTube livestream channel.
2. Social Distancing
Those attending are asked to allow at least six feet separation between parties in any row, with the exception of families who wish to sit together.
3. Offering plates will be placed at the exits for those who wish to give.
4. Service will be dismissed orderly by row to prevent close contact.
5. Personal Safety
Avoid handshaking and physical contact.
Please respect those who wish to avoid any/all personal contact
6. Thorough sanitation will be done on the building before and after each service.
7. Sunday and Thursday evening services will continue to be online only.
8. If you are not feeling well, have a fever or other flu-like symptoms, or have had direct contact with someone who is confirmed to have had COVID-19, please stay at home and watch our services online until you have been fever/symptom free for 72 hours.
Thank you for your cooperation with this very sensitive matter. It is important for everyone to feel safe during this unsettling time and we want you to know that we are doing all we can to help you stay healthy.
A letter from Pastor Lovens
Dear New Heights Baptist Church,
The last few weeks have been very challenging and difficult for our country, and the world, as we have been dealing with the Coronavirus. Many lives have been lost and disrupted. In order to minimize the spread of the virus, our president, our governor, and local officials have asked us, as American citizens, to take an active part in fighting against the virus. They have asked that we cooperate in not conducting public gatherings of more than ten people. Sadly, churches fall into this category. As your pastor, I have grieved and been in much turmoil over making this decision. Thankfully, we have good men who have made it possible to live stream our services. With that in mind, I have decided that we will live-stream our Thursday evening, Sunday morning, and Sunday evening services. Please help to inform others who are not on facebook and do not have access to our church website. We will give more information on Thursday night in our live-streaming service. I love you all and look forward to being with you through amazing technology on Thursday night.
Rejoice Always,
Pastor Lovens
Important Links
Livestream Link:
Online Giving: